Saturday, January 07, 2006

Still Alive, this time in Jordan.

Hey Folks,

Just a brief update to let you know I'm doing okay. We've done lots since I last posted. We hung out in Sharm el-Sheikh more, we climbed Mt Sinai, we saw lots of desert in Jordan, we saw Petra, we saw Mt Nebo (where God showed Moses the promised land) and we swam in the Dead sea. I'd tell you more but I don't have time. Oh yeah we also were invited to and kicked out of a Jordanian wedding.

K so everyone is leaving tomorrow except Mom and I are going to Israel. Should be wild especially given Ariel Sharon's condition.

And my B-day is Jan 8 so my present can be an email from you all updating me on what's going on your life. Sorry for such a shameless solicitation of my birthday, but oh well, I'm far away and what can you do?

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