Monday, April 04, 2005


Ugh. I want to procrastinate from procrastinating. How bad is that. To clarify, I am writing this because I am procrastinating, mostly from homework. But even as I write this, I am wishing I was doing something else (having a shower). But I'm doing this to procrastinate partly from showering as well as homework. Wow. I think I need help. Especially because I won't maintain this, so I'm not going to tell anyone about this.


Adam said...

Huh, I don't see how the Big News from the Healhcare Industry so graciously provided by our esteemed user bjnd4iykc26vnih relates to my blog on procrastination. I guess I'll just have to re-read each one more carefully and look for the subtle nuances that he/she obviously was able to pull out to write such an apposite comment.

Adam said...

Oh, and BTW Adam, looks like you're busted for your pathological procrastination and your bad hygiene to boot. Because now that you're blogging for your Egypt trip, some people will undoubtably read the other posts, and learn about those things that you thought they'd never find out. They may never return.

Anonymous said...